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How does the annual credential limit work?
How does the annual credential limit work?

This article explains the logic behind Certifier's annual certificate limits.

Caroline Tyrko avatar
Written by Caroline Tyrko
Updated over a week ago

What type of credentials limit system does Certifier have?

Certifier has dynamic certificate limits that do not depend on a plan you choose and are available on your account for the whole year. The price of each plan will change dynamically depending on the number of credentials you select.

With our new pricing, you will be able to choose the number of credentials you need per year within a plan you wish to use. If at some point you need to exceed the limit you have on the account, you will simply have to upgrade to a higher certificate number. All the upgrades are done on a prorated basis. See the example of a plan below:

Can you provide some examples?

For example, you subscribe to Certifier on the 10th of June, 2022. You decide to go with a 1,000-certificate limit. This certificate limit will be available on your account for 1 year and will be reset on the 10th of July, 2023. Depending on your issuing regularity, you can either issue all of those certificates at once or send them in chunks a couple of times per year.

What if I unsubscribe and subscribe again?

Let's assume that you decide to unsubscribe from Certifier in September with 500 certificates left on your account and then subscribe once again in May. If you decide to subscribe again in May 2023, you will see that your certificate limit is 500 certificates – just like you had left in December.

What if I need more certificates than those that are left on my account?

If you need to issue more certificates than you have on your account, you will have to upgrade and expand your certificate limit to the needed number. All the upgrades are processed on a prorated basis. It means that unused days of your previous subscription will be counted out of your upgrade fee.

Will I have access to the issued credentials if I unsubscribe?

All the credentials remain active both for you and your recipients. Certifier doesn't collect a hosting fee for storing or managing them.

When does the limit refresh?

Your annual certificate account limit will start its count from the day when you created your account at Certifier. The limit will be reset in a year from that day.

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