Why you should dive into your Group's settings?
Before you start issuing the first credentials, it's important to take a look at the settings you can fill out for each group. If you haven't created your first group yet, check how to create new groups.
Why? The devil lies in the details! Each little touch of personalization can improve your credibility as an issuer, increase brand visibility, and give your recipients more incentive to share their achievements. ๐ค
๐ก Tip: You can freely edit the settings of each existing Group anytime you want, even if you have already issued credentials from it.
Just remember, that the changes will be reflected on previously issued credentials.
Enhanced Description
While your Group may technically be ready to issue credentials, your recipients would definitely appreciate the opportunity to learn more about your event or course. That's when the Enhanced description comes into play!
It's a place where you can specify everything your recipients should know about your offerings:
"Details" section:
Type (eg. Certification, Achievement, Event)
Level (eg. Introductory, Professional)
Format (Online / Hybrid / Offline)
Price (Free / Paid)
Skills - List the skills your recipients have acquired through your training, webinar, or course. You can learn why it's important here.
"About" section:
Description - Give more details about your event or describe what your recipients had to do to get their award. Check out tips on enhancing the description's style in this article.
Learning Event Link - Paste the link to the learning event. The credential page will then have a hyperlink redirecting the viewers to the URL you provided.
"Earning criteria" section:
Add up to 10 earning criteria to showcase the specific requirements to earn this award.
Once you fill in those details, remember to click on Save!
Curious to see how that will look for your recipients? Just scroll back up and click on the Preview button. Here's the example you saw in the video above:
As you can see, setting up those details adds a whole new layer of professionalism to your credentials. ๐
Advanced Settings
๐ This section of group settings is available to our Professional plan users and above.
The Advanced settings allow you to personalize multiple aspects of how your credentials are issued. You can select:
Expiration date settings - Once you toggle the "I would like my badges or certificates to expire" setting, you can choose the timeframe in which the credentials will automatically expire (eg. 1 year after issuing).
If you want to set more custom expiration dates, please take a look at this guide.
โRecipient Interaction - In this section, you can change what your recipients are allowed to do with credentials. Once you disable any of the options, they will be hidden from the recipient view.
Please note that these settings only apply to the selected Group. By default, all the options are enabled.Default LinkedIn Share Message - When your recipients choose to share their achievements as a post on LinkedIn, the automatically created post can include your own, customized message.
Thanks to that, you can increase the value of each share, by showcasing the most important aspects of your event.
PDF Attachments - This feature allows you to easily share any documents that you'd like to include on your credential page. It can be a curriculum or a list of courses you offer - that's all up to you! To learn more about the value of PDF attachments, just click here.
You can add the files using the drag & drop feature, or by clicking on the uploading button. After that, you can add a display name for your file, and preview the document.
Duplicate Management - Disabling the option to Allow Duplicate Recipient Emails, ensures that recipients cannot get multiple credentials from this group to the same email address. By default, the setting is turned on.
โ๏ธImportant note: Duplicate management silently skips the email address if the recipient already has a credential from this Group.
Page Settings - In this section, you can add Page Title and Description, which will be displayed when recipients share their digital certificates or badges on social media or anywhere else. The Page Description should be a brief overview that captures the essence of the achievement.
Once you filled in all the details and chose the settings you wanted, remember to press Save! You can sit back and enjoy the benefits of increased credibility and a better brand visibility ๐
Email Settings
๐ This section of group settings is available to our Professional plan users and above.
The Email section allows you to personalize how your credentials will be delivered.
Without making any changes here, both Sender Email and Email Template will be the ones chosen as default on your account.
By default, Certifier sends credentials from [email protected].
To use any specific Sender Email and Email Template, you'll just need to toggle the corresponding settings - "Use Default Sender Details" and "Use Default Email Template".
Once you do that, you can select any of the senders and delivery email templates that you have added to your account:
Once you press Save, all the credentials issued from this group will be sent according to your settings. And that's all!
Fine-tuning your Group's settings is key to making your credentials more professional, engaging, and valuable for recipients. By customizing descriptions, earning criteria, expiration rules, and email settings, you can enhance credibility, encourage recipient engagement, as well as maintain control over how your credentials are issued and shared.
Whether you're adding a personal touch, improving branding, or ensuring smooth credential management, these settings help you get the most out of Certifier.
Still need help? Donโt hesitate to contact us via chat or email at [email protected] โ weโre here to assist you! ๐