What is Make?
Make lets you connect Certifier with thousands of the most popular apps to automate your certification workflow. Among the available apps, one can find a lot of popular LMSs like Kajabi, Thinkific, Teachable, TalentLMS, survey & quiz tools like Google Forms, Typeform or Survey Monkey, and many others.
Click here to see the full list of apps that you can integrate with Certifier via Make.
How do Make integrations work?
Make lets you set up automated scenarios that pass information between two or more apps easily and quickly – no code required. A scenario consists of a Trigger and an Action. A trigger is an event that starts a scenario, an action is an event an automation performs.
Let’s use an example:
You would like to automatically issue certificates via Certifier to people who send you a response via Google Forms. Using this example, a new Google form response would be a trigger, while certificate issuance would be an action performed by Certifier.
What do you need to integrate Certifier with Google Forms via Make?
Free Make account (create one here)
Free Certifier account with at least one group.
Creating a scenario
Once you have signed up for Make, it is time to create your first scenario. In this article, we will explain how to set up an integration between Certifier and Google Forms via Make scenario. The event “Watch responses in Google Sheets” will be used as a trigger, while the “Issue Credential” event in Certifier will serve as an action.
1. Log in to Make and press "+Create a new scenario".
2. Connect to your Google account and choose a spreadsheet with form responses. Set a limit to 1 to issue a credential per recipient.
3. Connect to your Certifier workspace and choose a group you wish to issue certificates for. You'll need to generate an access token here.
To generate an access token, go to Certifieir -> Account -> Settings -> Developers -> Access Token and press "Generate Access Token".
4. Connect a Trigger and an Action in one scenario
5. Populate the fields in the action section
Recipient Name - the name of your recipient. Note: some apps store names and last names separately. Thus, you will have to add these two attributes to the Recipient name field with a spacebar between them.
Recipient Email – the email of your recipient
Issue date - the date when your certificate is issued (by default it is the day when your Zap is triggered)
Expiration date - the date of your credential’s expiration. By default, there is no expiration date added
6. Set "Issue Credential" to Yes if you want to send them to recipients right away. Choose "No" if you want to create a draft.
Set "Send Credential" to Yes if you want to email the certificate to recipients. Choose "No" if you want to distribute it without notifying recipients.
7.Click on "Run once" to test your scenario. You should see the following output if the process is successful
If the test is successful, you will see a newly issued certificate in the Credentials section of your Certifier account. Don't worry, it is a test certificate with dummy data.
8.Set the toggle to ON to enable the scenario for all upcoming form responses.
Done! Enjoy the beauty of a fully automated certification process 🥳
If you have any questions, reach out to us via chat or email at [email protected]