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Written by Uliana

Can I upload my own certificate design and use it as a custom background?

Despite the fact that Certifier offers a number of certificate templates, some of you may want to use your own certificate design. How can you do it?

To use your own certificate design you have to:

  1. Open the Designs builder

  2. Go to the Background tab

  3. Click on the "Upload custom background" button.

Step 1: Open the Design builder

The Design builder is located within the Designs section. The Designs section is located in the navbar situated at the top of the Certifier app.

Step 2: Open the Background tab

The Background tab is the second tab placed under the Templates one.

Step 3: Click on the "Upload Custom Background" button

Click on the "Upload Custom Background" button and choose the image you need from your computer. 

Note: the image format should be either PNG or JPG. Minimal size 794px x 1123px.

Congratulations! You have just learned how to use your own certificate design 😊

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